Best Ghost Type Pokemon Violet

The Best Ghost-Type Pokemon In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Ghosts are among the most fascinating and mysterious creatures in the Pokemon world. In the highly anticipated games, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the ghost-type Pokemon have received a significant boost in power and unique abilities. In this article, we will explore the best ghost-type Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and why they are a force to be reckoned with. So without further ado, let's dive into the eerie world of ghost-type Pokemon!

Gengar: The Mischievous Phantom


Gengar, the mischievous phantom, is undoubtedly one of the most popular and powerful ghost-type Pokemon in the Scarlet and Violet games. With its sinister grin and ghostly presence, Gengar strikes fear into the hearts of its opponents.

Gengar boasts an impressive base stat total of 500, making it a formidable opponent in battles. Its ability, Cursed Body, has a chance to disable one of the moves of the opposing Pokemon when it gets hit with an attack. This ability can turn the tide of battles and give Gengar a significant advantage.

One of the key moves in Gengar's arsenal is Shadow Ball, a powerful ghost-type move that deals damage and has a chance to lower the opponent's Special Defense. Another notable move is Sludge Bomb, which is a poison-type move that can poison the opponent. This gives Gengar an additional advantage, as it can deal both ghost and poison-type damage to its opponents.

Gengar also has access to the Mega Evolution, further enhancing its power and abilities. When Gengar Mega Evolves into Mega Gengar, it gains the Shadow Tag ability, which prevents the opponent from switching out their Pokemon. This ability can be devastating in battles, as it traps the opponent and leaves them vulnerable to Gengar's attacks.

Mismagius: The Enigmatic Sorceress


Mismagius, the enigmatic sorceress, is another ghost-type Pokemon that shines in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. With its mysterious aura and powerful psychic abilities, Mismagius is a valuable addition to any ghost-type team.

Mismagius has a base stat total of 495, making it a well-rounded and capable Pokemon in battles. Its ability, Levitate, grants it immunity to ground-type moves, a common weakness among ghost-type Pokemon. This ability allows Mismagius to freely use its powerful moves without fear of being hampered by ground-type attacks.

One of Mismagius's signature moves is Shadow Ball, similar to Gengar. This ghost-type move deals damage and has a chance to lower the opponent's Special Defense, making Mismagius a formidable special attacker. It also has access to Dazzling Gleam, a fairy-type move that can deal super effective damage against dragon-type Pokemon.

Mismagius's unique movepool also includes the move Mystical Fire, a special fire-type move that lowers the opponent's Special Attack. This move provides Mismagius with additional utility, allowing it to weaken the special attacking capabilities of its opponents.

Aegislash: The Ghostly Swordsman


Aegislash, the ghostly swordsman, is a fascinating and powerful ghost/steel-type Pokemon that makes its presence known in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. With its unique stance-changing ability and deadly moveset, Aegislash is a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Aegislash has a base stat total of 520, making it one of the strongest ghost-type Pokemon in terms of overall stats. Its ability, Stance Change, allows it to change between its Shield Forme and Blade Forme. In Shield Forme, Aegislash has high defensive stats, while in Blade Forme, it has high offensive stats. This ability gives Aegislash incredible versatility in battles, allowing it to adapt to various situations.

One of the key moves in Aegislash's moveset is King's Shield, an exclusive move that only Aegislash can learn. When Aegislash uses King's Shield, it not only protects itself from the opponent's attack but also lowers the opponent's Attack stat. This move can cripple physical attackers and give Aegislash the upper hand in battles.

Aegislash also has access to the move Shadow Ball, a powerful ghost-type move that deals damage and has a chance to lower the opponent's Special Defense. In addition, it can learn Sacred Sword, a powerful fighting-type move that bypasses the opponent's stat changes. This move allows Aegislash to deal significant damage to Pokemon that heavily rely on stat boosts.


Q: Can I catch these ghost-type Pokemon in both Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?

A: Yes, all three of these ghost-type Pokemon can be found and caught in both Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. They are exclusive to different areas and have different encounter rates, so you may have to explore both games to catch them all.

Q: Can Gengar Mega Evolve in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?

A: Yes, Gengar can Mega Evolve in both Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. By using a Gengarite, Gengar can transform into Mega Gengar and gain increased stats and the Shadow Tag ability.

Q: Are ghost-type Pokemon weak against any specific types?

A: Ghost-type Pokemon are weak against ghost and dark-type moves. They are immune to normal and fighting-type moves. However, it's important to note that individual ghost-type Pokemon may have additional weaknesses or resistances due to their secondary typing.

Similar Topics to Best Ghost Type Pokemon Violet

  • Exploring the Haunted Areas of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
  • Understanding the Psychic Abilities of Ghost-type Pokemon
  • Battling Legendary Ghost-type Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

In conclusion, the ghost-type Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are a force to be reckoned with. Gengar, Mismagius, and Aegislash are among the best ghost-type Pokemon in terms of their power and unique abilities. Whether you prefer mischievous phantoms, enigmatic sorceresses, or ghostly swordsmen, there's a ghost-type Pokemon for everyone in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. So go out, catch these fascinating creatures, and experience the thrill of battling with the best ghost-type Pokemon!

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Pokemon Scarlet And Violet: Best Ghost Type Pokemon

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Pokémon Scarlet and Violet guide: best ghost-type Pokémon and where to Image Source :

Gengar background 4k. Trending global media 😣🤨🤧 pokémon scarlet and violet: 10 best. The best ghost-type pokémon in scarlet & violet. Pokemon scarlet and violet: best ghost type pokemon. Pokemon scarlet & violet: best ghost types in the game

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